Low GI Diet
Low GI Diet
What is low GI diet?
Glycemic Index (GI), is a measure used for counting the intake of carbohydrate-containing food to maintain our body’s blood sugar.
Just the way we assign a number to carbohydrates or calories, we have the glycemic index, which assigns a number to food containing carbohydrates in accordance to their capacity of increasing the blood sugar levels.
Many people use the glycemic index to guide their food choices in order to maintain a diet, which controls their weight and minimizes spikes in blood sugar levels.
A low GI diet is one where we use the Glycemic Index as the primary tool for building a diet plan. In this diet, the food, we mainly consume will have a glycemic index value of less than 55. Refer the section (for your knowledge), below for a better understanding of GI values.
Best food for low GI diet
Low glycemic eating requires you to focus on the following:
- Include more non-starchy fruits and vegetables like berries, leafy greens, bell peppers, green peas, eggplant, broccoli, apples, pears, coconuts, grapefruit etc.
- Choose grains that have been processed as little as possible. Look for steel-cut oats, natural granola, peanut butter and stone-ground bread along with rajamudi rice, brown rice, whole barley, and whole kernel bread.
- Eat moderate amounts of food with healthy fats like nuts, avocados, and cold pressed oils. At the same time, avoid all kinds of food that contain partially hydrogenated fats. (Fast food and packaged food have abundant of unhealthy fats).
Low GI diet and weight loss?
Low GI diet often helps you control your weight because the foods included in a low GI diet are low in calories, carbohydrates and rich in fiber. Studies have been conducted on finding out how effective a low GI diet can be, and given its nature of being a low-calorie diet; research shows that people who follow a low GI diet can benefit from weight loss as well. It is best to include a good exercise regime to compliment in the diet if you are focused on maintaining a healthy weight.
For your knowledge
Low GI Levels < 55
Moderate GI Levels 56 – 69
High GI Levels > 70
Hey how do I find out these products, which are low in GI???
Well its simple! Every product at Qualinut carries a nutrition tag; we have made it very simple for you to choose the products, which are Diabetic Friendly. Choose from the exclusive menu options, certified and quality assured for your healthy choices.
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